Saturday 15 February 2014

Adjusting To A New Way Of Life

Upon reflection of the past four years since my son Mark got his Angel wings, it certainly has been a roller coaster of  emotions, highs and lows and a wanton need to fill my time so i didnt have to constantly think too much about things.

I remember being quite irrational and determined not to have my home become a shrine to the memory of my son, i wasnt prepared to keep his room as it was for long, i wanted the room used, i didnt want it to become unused space and a place that no one wanted to spend time.
I remember turning it into a kinda guest room come tv room for my daughter and her boyfriend at the time, thinking they would be glad of the alone time, but neither wanted to be in there so it became redundant again.

My next manic idea was to turn it into a craft room, i was going to bury myself in the world of craft making to help me fill the loneliness and so that i felt like i could still achieve something. Money was very tight and it was not too long before Xmas by this time and i decided i was going to become frugal and make my own gifts so to speak.

During that time i managed to make some artificial flowers, some pens topped with flowers, some paper mache stuff that i never did anything with, a wooden sign for my mams kitchen, a nappy ring and lots of different gift baskets, both for birthdays and xmas that year.
The baskets were a big hit, although i can honestly say it didnt really save me any money as i kept adding stuff instead of sticking to my budget .

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